Grand Rapids Generating Station
Grand Rapids Generating Station (GS) is located on the Saskatchewan River approximately 400 km by air northwest of Winnipeg. Access to the station is via Highway 6 from Winnipeg, and a local gravel airstrip for light aircraft.
Built between 1960 and 1968, Grand Rapids Generating Station is the first hydroelectric generating station Manitoba Hydro built in northern Manitoba after the Winnipeg River had been fully developed. Grand Rapids is Manitoba Hydro2's only generating station on the Saskatchewan River and is operated with a dam and reservoir with a waterfall drop of 36.6 m (120.1 ft).
The Grand Rapids Generating Station consists of an intake structure, four penstocks, a four-unit (plus a house unit) powerhouse, main dam, wing walls, extensive dyke structures, and a four-bay spillway. The capacity of the generating station was increased to 478.7 MW (642,000 horsepower) since major upgrades took place between 1995 and 2000.
The Grand Rapids Generating Station reservoir consists of the station's forebay and Cedar Lake upstream of the station. The forebay at Grand Rapids has a total area of 3500 sq. km (1351 sq. miles) and a fetch length of approximately 21.5 km (13.4 miles).
- Third Short Term Extension Licence (2024)
- Second Short Term Extension Licence (2019)
- Short Term Extension Licence (2014)
- Final Licence (1975)
Licensing Requests:
- Third Short Term Extension Licence Request (2023)
- Grand Rapids GS Second Short Term Extension Licence Request (2019)
- Grand Rapids GS Short Term Extension Licence Request (2014)
- Grand Rapids GS Licence Renewal Application (2010)