The agricultural producer is obliged to assess current weather conditions and periodically check weather forecasts when applying nutrients prior to April 11th. Nutrients should not be applied in instances where the weather outlook is unfavourable such as if snow or an appreciable amount of rainfall is expected that would result in runoff.
All other requirements of the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation and the Nutrient Management Regulation remain in effect. More information on the restriction of winter application of nutrients is available at: www.manitoba.ca/nutrientdates.
The purpose of this program is to administer the Livestock Manure and Mortalities Management Regulation A team, including Environment Officers and Environmental Engineers, has been established for this purpose.Team members are regionally based to provide local coverage, and centrally coordinated to ensure consistent delivery of the program. Primary responsibilities include the issuance of permits for construction, modification or expansion of manure storage facilities and confined livestock areas, investigation of complaints, annual inspection of permitted manure storage facilities, inspection of manure storage facilities undergoing construction / modification / expansion, and enforcement of regulations on management of manure and mortalities.
Office and Staff Locations
Environmental Compliance and Enforcement
Environmental Approvals
Manure Management Plans |
(204) 945-3078 |
Emergency Response
24 hour emergency reporting line - 1-855-944-4888
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