Manitoba Trails

bike forest trail

Manitoba is home to unique networks of recreational trails that support healthy living and offer social opportunities that can be enjoyed year-round. Recreational trails also offer economic benefits and opportunities to rural communities and trails-related businesses. Recognizing the importance of enhancing and growing the province’s trail networks, the Manitoba government is implementing the Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan.

Celebrate Manitoba Winter Trails Day on Saturday, February 8!

To find trails near you, check out the “Manitoba’s Trail Networks” and “Provincial Trail Partners” sections below. To learn about guided trail adventures happening in provincial parks on Winter Trails Day, visit Manitoba Parks’ Interpretive Events & Guided Experiences webpage.

New: The intake period for the 2025-2026 Off-Road Vehicle Land and Trail Rehabilitation grant program is now open. Applications will be accepted between February 3, 2025 – March 31, 2025. Refer to the Off-Road Vehicle Land and Trail Rehabilitation Grant Program section below for more information on the application process and to find the application form.

Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan
Official Geocache

The Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan is the guiding document that will inform the development, management and expansion of Manitoba’s network of trails for today’s users and future generations. This plan will:

  • Improve connectivity and strengthen the trail network across Manitoba
  • Support the protection, management and rehabilitation of natural environments where trails are located
  • Foster collaboration between user groups while reducing potential conflicts
  • Encourage growth in eco-tourism with the potential to generate economic benefits for communities large and small

The Four Pillars of the Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan:

  • Partnerships and Collaboration
  • Development and Maintenance
  • Long-Term Sustainability
  • Trail Tourism and Promotion

Read the Manitoba Trails Strategy What We Heard Report.

Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan

Provincial Trails Office

The Provincial Trails Office is part of the Parks and Trails Division of Manitoba Environment and Climate Change and is the new “home” for trails in the Manitoba government. The Trails Office is leading implementation of the Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan, working closely in partnership with a Provincial Trails Expert Advisory Body.

Staff of the Provincial Trails Office will also work and communicate regularly with colleagues in other provincial departments through in an Interdepartmental Trails Committee. This will help to ensure ongoing communication and collaboration, and a whole-of-government approach to trails management and implementation of the Trails Strategy and Action Plan.

Contact the Trails Office:

Mailing address:
Provincial Trails Office
Manitoba Environment and Climate Change
258 Portage Ave - 4th Floor
Winnipeg MB R3C OB6

Manitoba’s Trail Networks
Official Geocache

Trails across Manitoba are located on the Treaty Territories and ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg, Anishininewuk, Dakota Oyate, Denesuline and Nehethowuk peoples, as well as on the Homeland of the Red River Métis and on lands in northern Manitoba that were and are the ancestral lands of the Inuit. Trail users are encouraged to learn more about the history of the land they travel and recreate on, and be aware of whose traditional territory they may be passing through. This information may be available on trail organization/manager websites, on maps or on signs, and Manitoba is seeking to increase its efforts to include these details on government publications.

Visit these sites for information about different types of trails across Manitoba:


Provincial Trail Partners

Manitoba’s extensive network of trails cannot be developed, maintained and managed by government alone. There are several organizations that Manitoba has entered into agreements with to do this important work, and many smaller associations and clubs who carry out the day-to-day work of maintaining and caring for trails. Successful implementation of the Manitoba Trails Strategy and Action Plan requires involvement and collaboration with all of these partners.


Off-Road Vehicles
Thompson Snowmobiling - Travel Manitoba

The Manitoba government works with organizations like the Snowmobilers of Manitoba Inc. (Snoman) and the All-Terrain Vehicle Association of Manitoba (ATVMB) to manage the province’s off-road vehicle (ORV) trail networks. This ensures that Manitobans and visitors have access to safe, high-quality ORV recreation opportunities.

NEW: As of April 1, 2024, registered ORV (including snowmobiles, ATVs and other types of ORV) owners are required to pay the annual $25 off-road trails fee. ORV owners must pay the fee to Manitoba Public Insurance at the same time that they pay for their ORV registration. The fee does not apply to ORVs that are exempt from registration (see MPI’s website for more information on exemptions).

Under The Off-Road Trails Safety and Maintenance Act, this fee will help to ensure that ORV users have access to safe, high-quality riding opportunities. The funding generated by the fee will be provided to Snoman and ATVMB to support:

  • trail development and maintenance;
  • safety education, training and promotion;
  • emergency trail repair;
  • operations and administration; and
  • trail capital projects, if sufficient funds are available.

Some of the funds will also be used to rehabilitate lands and trails damaged by unauthorized ORV activity.


If you wish to ride your snowmobile on Manitoba’s designated snowmobile trail network, you must have a valid Snopass. The Snopass fee supports over 50 Snoman member clubs that work to groom and maintain over 12,000 kilometres of snowmobile trails.

Annual Snopasses can be purchased year-round from any Autopac agent or Manitoba Public Insurance Service Centre. For more information, please visit Manitoba Public Insurance or Snoman.

Manitoba residents who purchase an annual Snopass are provided with a Snopass licence plate. Non-Manitoba residents who purchase an annual Snopass receive a sticker that must be affixed to the snowmobile’s windshield.

7-day and 3-day Snopasses can be purchased at any time of day from Short-term Snopasses are not available through Manitoba Public Insurance.

7-day and 3-day Snopasses may be either printed and carried on your person, or downloaded to your electronic device that you carry with you while snowmobiling. If you choose not to print your short-term Snopass, you must access the permit on your electronic device and show it to a Conservation Officer when requested to do so.

The fine for riding on designated snowmobile trails without a Snopass is $486.00.

Off-Road Vehicle Land and Trail Rehabilitation Grant Program

Grant Program Overview

The Off-Road Vehicle Land and Trail Rehabilitation grant program was created to help restore and mitigate damage to lands and trails caused by off-road vehicles. This grant funding is intended for non-profit organizations and communities to rehabilitate public lands and trails damaged by off-road vehicle activity throughout Manitoba. Grants made available through the program come from off-road trails fees collected from the public pursuant to The Off-Road Trails Safety and Maintenance Act. 


Organizations can apply for a maximum of $50,000. Approval for funding is based on an evaluation of the proposal as it relates to the program objectives and criteria, and availability of funding.

How to Apply

  1. Review the Application Guide and ensure your organization and proposal meet all program eligibility requirements.
  2. Complete and submit the Application Form and submit supporting documents to the Provincial Trails Office at MBTrails@gov.mb.caBe sure to read the application guidelines for instructions on how to complete the application form.

Applications will be accepted between February 3, 2025 – March 31, 2025. Projects cannot begin prior to April 1, 2025 and must be completed by January 31, 2026.


To submit an application package or if you require further information, please contact the Provincial Trails Office at:    

Program Documents:

Off-Road Vehicle Land and Trail Rehabilitation Grant Program Application Form

Off-Road Vehicle Land and Trail Rehabilitation Grant Program Application Guide