Off-Road Vehicle Use on Crown Land
What you need
1. If you are planning to hold an off-road vehicle (ORV) Event on Crown land you must obtain a licence of occupation and /or permit from the Province.
What is an ORV Event
2. ORV Event is one that involves off-road vehicles (excluding snowmobiles) on Crown land where an entrance fee or donation is required, or prizes are awarded, or the purpose of the Event is fund raising.
Where and When are ORV Events Prohibited or Restricted
3. ORV Events are not allowed:
- in Provincial Parks, Wildlife Management Areas, Ecological Reserves or protected portions of Provincial Forests.
- in the Agassiz and Sandilands Provincial Forests until green-up is completed, that is from March 15 to June 1.
- in other areas depending on local circumstances.
- on Crown land leased or permitted for agricultural use, unless specifically approved and a right of entry agreement is obtained from the lessee or permittee.
- during periods of high fire risk and following periods of extensive rainfall.
How do I apply for a Licence of Occupation
4. A Licence of Occupation Application is available from the Real Estate Services Division (RESD) website.
- Applicant is to contact the regional land manager prior to submission to CLPA. Approval by the regional office is required prior to further consideration.
The last page of the application form provides information with regard to:
- where the application should be sent,
- the methods of payment,
- inquiries / assistance, and
- contact telephone numbers for regional land managers.
Additional information is available on the RESD website for off-road vehicle events/derby's.
What are the costs
5. There is an application administration fee and fee for the issuance of the licences of approval occupation Other fees may be required if the Event involves lands administered by other branches or government departments.
What information is required
6. In addition to filling out the application form, the following information must be provided:
- a map showing the proposed trail or route and location of all water bodies.
- an ortho photo showing the Event route through agriculturally leased Crown land.
- total number of stream crossings encountered along proposed trail or route and method of crossing (i.e. bridge, ford, etc.)
- documentation that the applicant has or will obtain upon approval of the Event a minimum of $2,000,000.00 Liability Insurance with Manitoba named as the co-insured.
It is recommended that the Event route be outlined on a 1:50,000 scale NTS map. These maps are available for purchase from Surveys and Mapping at 1007 Century Street, Winnipeg, MB
No change in approved route without approval
7.No changes to the approved route are allowed and no new trails can be developed during the Event without written authorization.
Confirmation that the Event is going forward
8. Licensees and / or permittee shall contact Sustainable Development's Regional Office forty-eight (48) hours prior to the Event and advise whether the Event is still scheduled to occur.
9. Manitoba Sustainable Development will within twenty-four (24) hours of the notice assess conditions with respect to the risk of wildfire and potential environmental damage and advise whether the Event can proceed or must be postponed or cancelled.
Water Crossings
10. The following conditions apply to Event routes adjacent to or requiring water crossings:
- There shall be no traversing along the bed of a water course or within the shoreline of a lake.
- Where no temporary or permanent crossings are in place or will be constructed prior to the Event, in-stream water crossings will not be allowed as noted below.
. | South of 53rd parallel | North of 53rd parallel |
Spring Spawning Fish | April 1 – June 15 | April 15 – June 30 |
Fall Spawning Fish | September 15 – April 30 | September 1 – May 15 |
- Where the water course contains fish species at risk, stream crossings will only be permitted at existing crossings or the establishment of temporary or permanent bridges.
- All water crossing structures and any alterations to or within a water course are to adhere to Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans' (DFO) operational statements and/or guidelines and if not then the activities must be reviewed by DFO.