Legislative Affairs Index - 4th Session - 39th Legislature

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Legislative Affairs Index


Derelict property. See City of Winnipeg Amendment and Municipal Amendment Act (Derelict Property)

Derkach, Leonard (Russell) P.C.

Cottage Property Tax Increase Deferral Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act Amended) (Bill 5)

Motion to replace the title of the bill, 99-100

Dobrowolski, Doug (Association of Manitoba Municipalities)

City of Winnipeg Amendment and Municipal Amendment Act (Derelict Property) (Bill 3)

Written submission, 112

Driedger, Myrna (Charleswood) P.C.

Child-welfare system

Case management standards, 146-147

Resource accessibility, 145

Dunlop, Pat (Private Citizen)

Cottage Property Tax Increase Deferral Act (Property Tax and Insulation Assistance Act Amended) (Bill 5)

Public presentation, 85-86


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