Justice - 2nd Session - 39th Legislature
Gates, Trevor (Private Citizen)
Lobbyists Registration Act and Amendments to The Elections Act, The Elections Finances Act, The Legislative Assembly Act and The Legislative Assembly Management Commission Act (Bill 37)
Campaign literature, vetting, 126
Election campaigns, public financing, 126-127
Government advertising, 127-128
Public presentations, 125-127
Georgeson, Greg (Private Citizen)
Lobbyists Registration Act and Amendments to The Elections Act, The Elections Finances Act, The Legislative Assembly Act and The Legislative Assembly Management Commission Act (Bill 37)
Advertising limits, third party, 247
Annual allowance for political parties, 249
Public presentations, 247-248
Voter turnout, 248
Gillies, Gordon (Private Citizen)
Lobbyists Registration Act and Amendments to The Elections Act, The Elections Finances Act, The Legislative Assembly Act and The Legislative Assembly Management Commission Act (Bill 37)
Advertising limits, third party, 389
Campaign literature, vetting, 389, 391
Committee hearing process, 391-392, 390
Election campaigns, public financing, 389
Fixed election date, 389-390
Public presentations, 388-390
Goertzen, Kelvin (Steinbach) PC
Justice, Standing Committee on
Motion re: written submissions, 30-31
Points of Order
P/O for unparliamentary language, 22-23
P/O regarding vice-chair nominations, 20-21
Presentations read into the record, 25-26
Legal Professions Amendment Act (Bill 26)
Consultations, 33
Lobbyists Registration Act and Amendments to The Elections Act, The Elections Finances Act, The Legislative Assembly Act and The Legislative Assembly Management Commission Act (Bill 37)
Advertising costs, 443
Advertising limits, third party, 241-242
Annual allowance for political parties, 249, 258-259, 263
Campaign literature, vetting, 124, 171, 443
Committee hearing process, 390
Constitutional challenge, 245
Election campaigns, public financing, 244-245
Fixed election date, 124, 253, 439
Justice committee
Meeting schedule, 192-193
Presentation process, 214-215, 241
Legislative Assembly Management Committee (LAMC), 431, 437
Motion by Goertzen recommending the House waive rule 92(7) to allow the public to register to present to committee, 302-305
Motion by Goertzen regarding comments made to committee presenters by the Member for Minto, 286-288, 300-302
Motion by Goertzen regarding committee hours, 350-353
Motion by Goertzen requesting that Mr. Preston Manning be asked to present at committee, 458-460
Motion by Goertzen to postpone Bill 37 until fall of 2008, 101-103
Motion by Howard requesting that the committee sit until 4am, 332
Motion: subamendment by Goertzen requesting the words "Ed Schreyer" appear after Preston Manning, 467, 477-479
Public hearings, 55
Retired teachers
Cost-of-living allowance, 203
Union bundling, 173-174
Voter turnout, youth, 167
Points of Order
P/O by Derkach regarding allowing presenters to be carried over to the next day instead of dropped from the list, 407-408, 410-411
P/O by Goertzen regarding the election of the Vice-Chair, 381-387
P/O by Goertzen regarding the Member for Radisson asking questions to presenters, 448-455
P/O by Goertzen regarding the number of government members present at committee, 367
P/O by Goertzen respecting the member for Radisson's right to ask questions, 178-180
P/O by Lamoureux regarding questioning committee presenters about their political affiliation, 269-270
P/O by Swan regarding the length of time taken away from committee presentations in order to debate a Motion., 364
Gould, William (Private Citizen)
Lobbyists Registration Act and Amendments to The Elections Act, The Elections Finances Act, The Legislative Assembly Act and The Legislative Assembly Management Commission Act (Bill 37)
Campaign literature, vetting, 223, 220-221
Election campaigns, public financing, 221
Public presentations, 220-222
Graydon, Cliff (Emerson) PC
Justice, Standing Committee on
Motion re: written submissions, 29-30
Presentations read into the record, 27-28
Lobbyists Registration Act and Amendments to The Elections Act, The Elections Finances Act, The Legislative Assembly Act and The Legislative Assembly Management Commission Act (Bill 37)
Advertising expenses, annual limits, 189, 283
Annual allowance for political parties, 65
Committee hearing process, 391
Election campaigns, public financing, 395, 447
Motion by Goertzen recommending the House waive rule 92(7) to allow the public to register to present to committee, 320-322
Motion: subamendment by Goertzen requesting the words "Ed Schreyer" appear after Preston Manning, 470-471
Public hearings, 282
Voter turnout, 258
Green Party of Manitoba. See Basham, Andrew
Green, Sydney (Private Citizen)
Legal Profession Amendment Act (Bill 26)
Public presentation, 35-38
Legal Professions Amendment Act (Bill 26)
Consultations, 38
General accounts, audits of, 35-37
Lobbyists Registration Act and Amendments to The Elections Act, The Elections Finances Act, The Legislative Assembly Act and The Legislative Assembly Management Commission Act (Bill 37)
Annual allowance for political parties, 144
Campaign literature, vetting, 144-145
Lieutenant-Governor discretion, 148
Lobbyist registry, 143
McKay vs. the Province of Manitoba, 147
Postpone legislation, 146
Public presentations, 142-144
Gunshot and Stab Wounds Mandatory Reporting Act (Bill 20)
Opening statements
Hawranik, 18