HOUSE INDEX - 4th Session - 37th Legislature

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House Index - 4th-37th


Watchable Wildlife initiative

Selinger, 511

Water strategy

Selinger, 508

Waywayseecappo First Nation

Soaring Eagle agreement

Derkach, 742

Sale, 742

West Souris River Conservation District

Conservation Farm Family Award

Maguire, 796

Winkler, designation as a city

Dyck, 21-22

Winnipeg Child and Family Services

Emergency shelters

Caldwell, 95-96

Driedger, 95-96


Caldwell, 326-327, 375-377

Driedger, 326-327, 375-376

Mitchelson, 376-377

Therapy/counselling services, funding for

Caldwell, 68-70, 96-97, 139-140, 472-473

Driedger, 68-69, 96-97, 139, 472-473

Mitchelson, 69-70, 140

Winnipeg Floodway. See Red River Floodway expansion

Winnipeg Harvest Poverty Challenge

Minister's participation

Caldwell, 71, 99

Gerrard, 71, 99

Winnipeg Housing and Homelessness Initiative

Selinger, 505

Winnipeg Police Service

Assaults on police officers

Doer, 191-192

Mackintosh, 192

Murray, 191-192

Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra

Selinger, 511

Wowchuk, Hon. Rosann (Swan River) N.D.P.

Agricultural Policy Framework (APF)

Environmental plans, 308

Manitoba's participation, 259-260, 472

Transitional funding, 308-309, 496-497

Update, 258-259

Bridging Generations program

Update, 695

Elk population

Herd dispersal, minister's recommendation, 142-146

Tuberculosis control, 72-73, 615-616

Ethanol production

Benefits, 429

Greenhouse gas reduction

Agricultural sector, 429

Livestock industry

Tuberculosis control, 17-18, 100-101, 102, 430, 615

Oral Questions

Agricultural Policy Framework (APF)

Environmental plans, 308

Manitoba's participation, 259-260, 472

Transitional funding, 308-309, 496-497

Update, 258-259

Bridging Generations program

Update, 695

Elk population

Herd dispersal, minister's recommendation, 142-146

Tuberculosis control, 615-616

Ethanol production

Benefits, 429

Greenhouse gas reduction

Agricultural sector, 429

Livestock industry

Tuberculosis control, 17-18, 100-101, 102, 430, 615

Throne Speech, 314-315

Debate, 295-300

Wuskwatim hydro project

Environmental assessment

Ashton, 329, 522

Cummings, 329

Doer, 523, 693-694

Gerrard, 521-523, 693-694

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