Law Amendments - 3rd Session - 36th Legislature

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Law Amendments Index


Adoption and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 47)

Aboriginal issues

Martindale, 204-205

Mitchelson, 204-205

Access agreements

Cerilli, 207

Mitchelson, 207

Access to information

Shapiro, 151

Wolf, 150

Birth mothers--support

Martindale, 199

Mitchelson, 199-200

Child and Family Services

Cerilli, 203

Mitchelson, 203-204

Community support agencies

Cerilli, 202, 206

Mitchelson, 202-203, 206

Court records

Kading, 136

Cross-cultural awareness

Linde, 147

Martindale, 147, 200-201

Mitchelson, 201

Disclosure vetoes

Kading, 136-137, 138

Martindale, 138


Kading, 137-138

Poyser, 151-152

Fee schedules

Cerilli, 206

Lyons, 135

Martindale, 135, 197, 208-209

Mitchelson, 197-198, 206, 209

Financial assistance

Martindale, 149-150

Peel, 148, 149-150

Financial incentive

Martindale, 201-202

Mitchelson, 202

Home studies

Collings, 144

Martindale, 144, 198

Mitchelson, 144, 198

Interim care agreements

Cerilli, 207-208

Mitchelson, 207-208

International adoptions

Linde, 146

Martindale, 209

Mitchelson, 148, 210

Legal challenge

Kading, 138

Martindale, 132-133, 138, 152, 196-197

Mitchelson, 197

Poyser, 152-153

Vanstone, 133

Legislative process

Kowalski, 147

Linde, 147

Licence requirements

Martindale, 210

Mitchelson, 210

Medical information

Vanstone, 132

Order for adoption

Kading, 136

Permanent wards

Coelho, 139-140, 141, 142-143

Collings, 143

Kowalski, 149

Martindale, 141

Mitchelson, 142

Peel, 148-149

Post-adoption registry

Coelho, 140, 141-120

Collings, 143

Martindale, 198-199

Mitchelson, 198-199

Private agencies

Cerilli, 204

Martindale, 200

Mitchelson, 200, 204


Coelho, 140, 142

Collings, 143

Martindale, 142


Martindale, 211

Mitchelson, 211

Special needs children

Martindale, 205-206

Mitchelson, 206

Status of adopted child

Linde, 146

Vanstone, 132

Surname of adopted child

Vanstone, 132

The Hague Convention

Martindale, 210

Mitchelson, 210

Waiting period

Cerilli, 133

Coelho, 140

Vanstone, 133



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