# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Dacquay, Hon. Louise (Seine River) P.C.
Adjourn, motion to
ruled out of order 2123;
Speaker's ruling, 2123-4
Chief Electoral Officer
Statutory Report (S.P. 57), 2833
Elections Finances Act
Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 163), 4658
Indemnities, Allowances and Retirement Benefits Regulation
Report pursuant to Section 38(1) (S.P. 95), 3734
Manitoba Legislative Internship Program, 3513-4
Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 159), 4428
Pages, introduction of, 7, 3469
Privilege, Matters of
Adjournment motion (1)
ruled out of order, 2126
Adjournment motion (2)
taken under advisement, 2126
Fishing industry
Sisipuk Lake--illegal exports
Speaker's ruling, 4701
Headingley Correctional Institution
Early release--sexual offenders
Speaker's ruling, 3014-5
Home Care Program
Speaker's ruling, 1440-1
Speaker's rulings
Matter of Privilege--November 1, 1995, 570-1
Point of order--November 1, 1995, 124-5
Point of order--October 24, 1995, 73
Point of order--October 31, 1995, 73-4
Point of order/Matter of Privilege--November 1, 1995, 246
Urgent Public Importance, Matters of
Health care system
Speaker's ruling, 445
Health care system--emergency services
Speaker's ruling, 300-1
Home Care Program
Speaker's ruling, 744
Home Care Program--labour dispute
Speaker's ruling, 787
Justice, Minister of
Speaker's ruling, 4067
Labour, Minister of
Statements made
Speaker's ruling, 3749-50
Manitoba Telephone System
Privatization--public hearings
Speaker's ruling, 4634
Dairy Act (Bill 30)
1 R
Enns, 2171
Enns, 3185
Wowchuk, 3761-2
Enns, 4160
R/A, 5106
Gaudry, 4813
Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Amendment Act (Bill 19)
1 R
Cummings, 1886
2 R
Cerilli, 3485-9
Cummings, 2624-5
Dewar, 3482-5
Maloway, 3489-92
Struthers, 3566
Cummings, 4159
3 R
Dewar, 4807-8
Lamoureux, 4807
R/A, 5105
Dauphin Regional Health Centre
Funding reduction
McCrae, 4283-4
Struthers, 4283-4
McCrae, 122-3
Struthers, 122-3
Dauphin River
Ice blockage
Driedger, 5229
Evans, C., 5229
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 101)
Derkach, 3779
Supplementary information
Derkach, 2360
Decentralization (Supply)
Ashton, 3373-6
Derkach, 3369-76
Evans, C., 3369-72
Lamoureux, 3372
Deputy Premier
Comments, clarification of
Downey, 3562
Sale, 3562
Resignation request
Barrett, 3521
Downey, 3521-2
Spousal travel expenses
Downey, 3471-2, 3472-4, 3519-20, 3521
Derkach, Hon. Leonard (Roblin-Russell) P.C.
Budget debate, 491-7
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 101), 3779
Supplementary information, 2360
Decentralization (Supply), 3369-76
Education and Training, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 1242-3
Health, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 1118-9
Leaf Rapids Town Properties Ltd.
Financial statements, 3779
Manitoba Municipal Employees Benefits Board
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 168), 4792
Manitoba Municipal Employees Pension Plan
Actuarial Report, 1995 (S.P. 16)q, 561
Manitoba Water Services Board
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 91), 3734
Ministerial statements
Community Round Table report, 3413-4
Working for Value Task Force, 1208-9
Municipal and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 54)
1 R, 2360
2 R, 3234-6
R/S, 4635-6
Municipal Assessment Amendment and Assessment Validation Act (Bill 2)
1 R, 655
2 R, 2622-3
Municipal Assessment Amendment, City of Winnipeg Amendment and Assessment Valiation Act (Bill 43)
1 R, 2173-4
2 R, 3195-6
Municipal Board
Annual Report, 1995 (S.P. 22), 729
Opposition Day Motions
Canadian Wheat Board, 4416-7
Oral questions
Grow Bonds Program
Woodstone Technologies, 442
Manitoba Telephone System
Privatization, 1145
Natural gas
Service expansion, 4700
REDI program
Information release, 73
Rural Development Institute
Hog marketing study, 124
Winnipeg Airport Authority
Land use conflict, 1973-4
Woodstone Technologies
Debt write-off proposal, 4385
Provincial Auditor's report release, 4384-5
Public investment, protection of, 4385
Rural Development, Department of
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 92), 3734
Supplementary information, 2360
Rural Development, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Brandon Office, 2919
Municipal Board, 2920-1
Surface Rights Board, 2921
Expenditures Related to Capital
Downtown Revitalization, 2939-40
Local Government Services
Assessment, 2936-7
Grants to Municipalities in Lieu of Taxes
Grants, 2937-8
Information System, 2938
Opening Remarks, 2913-7
Rural Economic Development
Infrastructure Services, 2938-9
Rural Economic Programs
Grow Bonds Program, 2922-35
Surface Rights Amendment Act (Bill 3)
1 R, 1079-80
2 R, 2623-4
Surface Rights Board
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 169), 4792
Desjardins report
Filmon, 240-1
Lamoureux, 240
Standing committee review
Filmon, 241
Lamoureux, 241
Tabling request
Lamoureux, 399
Stefanson, 399-400
Development Fund
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 79)
Ernst, 3513
Dewar, Gregory (Selkirk) N.D.P.
Contaminated Sites Remediation and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 34)
2 R, 3653-6
3 R, 4813-4
Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Amendment Act (Bill 19)
2 R, 3482-5
3 R, 4807-8
Education and Training, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 1302
Environment, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 1987-8, 1995-8, 2029-39
Opening Remarks, 1985-6
Grievance, Matters of
Manitoba Telephone System
Privatization, 5030-2
Highways and Transportation, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 2859-61
Manitoba Telephone System Reorganization and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 67)
2 R, 4522-3
R/S, 5259-62
Members' statements
Manitoba Telephone System, 709-10, 4800
Ministerial statements
Disaster assistance, 1079
Municipal and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 54)
2 R, 3535-8
Oral questions
Endangered Spaces Program
World Wildlife Fund rating, 1497
Selkirk and District General Hospital
Staff layoffs, 4197
Sustainable Development Act
White paper release, 567-8
White paper tabling request, 1498
Petitions presented and received
Hog industry--marketing system, 600, 651-652
Home Care Program, 559, 602, 1553, 1822, 1966, 2115-2116, 2143, 2295, 2357, 2424, 3213, 3410, ruled in order 2169
Manitoba Telephone System
Privatization, 3639, 3684, 4373, 4425, 4975, 4999, 5000, 5046-5047, 5285
Selkirk and District General Hospital, 4737, 4787, 4789, 4865, 4867, 4962
Private Members' Business
Manitoba Environmental Council, 4135-7
Recycling for apartment dwellers, 1253-5
Save the Seine, 1950-1
Sustainable Development Innovations Fund (Supply), 2048-51
Opening Remarks, 2048
Disabled transportation
See Members' statements
Disaster assistance
Municipal compensation
Pallister, 848-9
Struthers, 848-9
Discriminatory Business Practices Act
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 36)
Vodrey, 2116
Doer, Gary (Concordia) N.D.P.
Budget debate, 476-91
Condolence, motions of
Borowski, Joseph P., 4842-4
Harris, Lemuel, 4847
Kovnats, Abe, 4836-7
Masniuk, Peter, 4856-7
McLean, Stewart E., 4850-1
Nordman, Ric, 4861
Executive Council (Supply)
General Administration
Management and Administration, 817-26, 828-34, 877-903, 965-78
Premier and President of the Council's Salary, 978-80
Opening Remarks, 812-5
Health, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Minister's Salary, 2210-1
Justice, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 2594-6
Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 26)
2 R, 4445-50
3 R, 4953-5
Manitoba Telephone System Reorganization and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 67)
2 R, 4273-80
Ministerial statements
Hermaniuk, Reverend Archbishop Maxim, 1885
Manitoba Telephone System
Privatization, 1634-5
South African delegation, 655
World Men's Curling Championship, 433
Municipal and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 54)
3 R, 4932-3
Opposition Day Motions
Canadian Wheat Board, 4409-12
Home Care Program
Privatization, 2159-61
Oral questions
1996 Summer Olympic Games
Premier's travel expenses, 3469-70, 3515-6, 3640-1
Aboriginal Justice Inquiry report
Implementation, 5180
Access programs
Funding reduction, 5180
Bessey, Michael
Investigation--terms of reference, 344
Tuition fees/cash advance, 147-9
BFI landfill site
Environmental licensing, 1558-9
Cabinet Ministers
Spousal travel expenses, 3598, 3641
Spousal travel expenses--information tabling request, 3599
Canadian Wheat Board
Government support, 3689-90
Marketing system--legal challenge, 3555-6, 3829-31
Corrections system
Intermittent sentences, 4053-4, 4057-8, 4147-8, 4191, 4239-40
CP Rail
Weston Shops, 4146-7
Eye examinations
Deinsurance, 463
Faneuil ISG Inc.
Bessey, Michael--role of, 289-90, 342-3
Due diligence, 343
Preferred shares, 289
Public subsidy, 2834-5, 3169-70
Federal equalization payments
Status report, 394
Friendship centres
Funding reduction, 5180-1
Advertising ban, 3008
Headingley Correctional Institution
Inquiry, 1431-2
Security measures, 1432-3
Staffing levels, 1763-4
Temporary absences, 2298-9, 2361, 4580
Health care facilities
Capital projects, 3130-1
Health care system
Advertising campaign, 563
Emergency services, 10-2, 63-5, 236-7
Health care workers
Collective bargaining, 3780-1
Health Sciences Centre
Capital projects, 2117-9, 2145-6, 3217-8, 3415
Capital projects--operating facilities, 4377-9
Heart surgery--cancellations, 4329-30, 4329-30, 4482-3
Health, Minister of
Replacement, 11
Healthy Child Strategy
Hog industry
Marketing system, 603-4
Home Care Program
APM report release, 728-9, 841-2
Privatization, 561-2, 655-6, 697-9, 771-2, 1271-2, 2173-4
Privatization--consultations, 656-7
Privatization--cost benefits, 1138-9, 1210-1
Privatization--Ministers' bias, 1272
Privatization--public hearings, 1080-2, 1209-10, 1272-3, 1886-7, 1970-1
Privatization--study release, 729-31, 770
Impaired driving convictions
Criminal code provisions, 4104
Justice, Minister of
Accountability, 4101-2, 4104-5
Premier's confidence, 4190
Removal request, 4580-1
Replacement request, 4054
Resignation request, 1764, 4058
Labour disputes
Mediation, 3734-5
Labour Management Review Committee
Recommendations--Labour Relations Act, 4428-9
Labour movement
Government support, 4429
Legislative Assembly, Members of
Salary increase, 3514-5
Wage freeze, 562
Lottery employees--labour dispute
Mediation, 3735-6
Lottery revenues--decline
Education/health programs, impact on, 393
Manitoba Telephone System
Advertising campaign, 2783-4
Privatization, 116-7, 1636-7, 4621
Privatization--conflict of interest, 1762-3, 5047-8
Privatization--CRTC hearings, 5142-3
Privatization--dividend rates, 5287
Privatization--information tabling request, 4792-3, 4987, 5003-5, 5288
Privatization--pension plan, 4874-5
Privatization--plebiscite, 4622, 4659, 4793, 4873-4
Privatization--postponement, 4963, 4986-7
Privatization--prospectus, 4875
Privatization--public hearings, 4986
Privatization--rate increase, 1823-4
Privatization--rates, impact on, 3918-9, 4659-60, 4662, 4747-8, 4793, 5095-6
Privatization--referendum, 4963-4
Privatization--rural Manitoba, impact on, 4658-9
Privatization--tax ruling, 4662-3, 4746
Privatization--Wood Gundy role, 5220-1
Natural Resources, Deputy Minister of
Expense account claims, 4433
Provincial Auditor review, 4433-4, 4489
Deductibles, 514-5
Reductions, 463-4
Reductions, announcement of, 434-5
Regional Health Authorities Act
Withdrawal, 3876-7
Regional Health Boards
Elected boards, 3415
Elected representatives, 4237-9, 4281-2
Laboratory/imaging services, 3965
Labour relations, impact on, 4238
Seven Oaks School Division
Parent group meeting request, 4573-4
Special needs children
Postl report recommendations, 4011-2
Program funding, 3006-7
Teaching profession
Collective bargaining, 2605-6, 2729-30
Government support, 4527
Salary levels, 4527-8
Statistics, 3218
Video lottery terminals
Community referendum, 3008
Social costs, 3007
War on Drugs
Report release, 1491-2
Winnipeg Jets
Capital tax exemption, 4692-3
Operating loss agreement, 2835
Petitions presented and received
Hog industry--marketing system, 600, 652
Points of order
P/O by Doer respecting imputation of motives 345;
taken under advisement 345;
Speaker's ruling, 572
P/O by Doer respecting members sitting when Speaker stands 398;
ruled in order, 398
Public Schools Amendment Act (2) (Bill 72)
2 R, 4503-8
3 R, 4944-50
Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Act (Bill 57)
2 R, 4344-6
Statute Law Amendment (Taxation) Act, 1996 (Bill 63)
3 R, 4919-20
Supply--Capital Supply
Concurrence motion, 3443-8
Throne Speech debate, 31-51
University of Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 48)
3 R, 4910-11
Domestic violence
Case prosecutions
Mackintosh, 935-6
Vodrey, 935-6
Firearms control
Kowalski, 4015-6
Vodrey, 4016
Government initiatives
Mackintosh, 14
Vodrey, 15
Intermittent sentences
Mackintosh, 4148
McGifford, 4193
Mackintosh, 14
Vodrey, 14
Minister's consultations
McGifford, 3968
Vodrey, 3968
See also Social assistance
Sensitivity training--Prosecutions
Mackintosh, 1144
Vodrey, 1144
Barrett, 16-7
Mitchelson, 16-7
Domestic Violence Review Committee
Minister's meeting
McGifford, 3967
Vodrey, 3967
Domtar site
Cleanup proposal
Cerilli, 1087-8
Cummings, 1088
Domtar--Transcona facility
Public hearings
Cerilli, 1991-3
Cummings, 1992-4
Downey, Hon. James (Arthur-Virden) P.C.
Co-operative Loans and Loan Guarantee Board
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 117), 3828
Condolence, motions of
Kovnats, Abe, 4839
Masniuk, Peter, 4859
Nordman, Ric, 4863
Cooperative Promotion Board
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 116), 3828
Economic Innovation and Technology Council
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 80), 3554
Education and Training, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 1336
Executive Council (Supply)
General Administration
Management and Administration, 826
Industry, Trade and Tourism, Department of
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 113), 3828
Supplementary information, 1885
Industry, Trade and Tourism, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 3052-63
Financial and Administrative Services, 3063-5
Manitoba Bureau of Statistics, 3067-8
Manitoba Office in Ottawa, 3066
Minister's Salary, 3366-8
Research and Economic Services, 3066
Business Services
Financial Services
Pine Falls Paper Company, 3078-9
Salary and Employee Benefits, 3071-7
TD Manitoba Fund, 3079-80
Vision Capital, 3078
Industry Development, 3068-71
Small Business and Entrepreneurial Development, 3081-2
Economic Development
Economic Development Board Secretariat, 3345-65
Economic Innovation and Technology Fund, 3365
Opening Remarks, 3028-34
Strategic Initiatives
Aerospace Industries Development Initiative, 3154
Agri-Food Industries Development Initiative, 3270-4
Environmental Industries Development Initiative, 3265-70
Health Industry Development Initiative, 3092-3, 3153-4
Information and Telecommunications Initiative
Canada-Manitoba Communications Technology Research and Industry Development Agreement, 3155-7
Information Technology, 3155
Telecommunications Marketing, 3158-60, 3258-65
Tourism Initiatives
Canada-Manitoba Partnership Agreement in Tourism, 3089-92
Tourism Services and Special Projects, 3082-5, 3086-9
Jobs Fund Repeal Act (Bill 62)
2 R, 4219-21
Manitoba Development Corporation
Financial statements, 1996 (S.P. 115), 3828
Manitoba Horse Racing Commission
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 81), 3554
Manitoba Hydro-Electric Board
Quarterly Report, 1995 (S.P.2), 147
Manitoba Telephone System Reorganization and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 67)
Manitoba Trading Corporation
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 114), 3828
Manitoba Trading Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 14)
1 R, 1558
2 R, 2632-4
Members' statements
Manitoba Oil Museum--Hall of Fame inductees, 2182
RCS Greenhouses, 572-3
Ministerial statements
1996 Census, 1968-9
Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters of Canada, 3004
Canadian Centre on Disability Studies, 4145
Export House, 3412-3
Natural Resources, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 2523
Nonpolitical statements
Sioux, John George
Condolences, 353
Opposition Day Motions
Canadian Wheat Board, 4407-9
Oral questions
Bill 67
Tabling request, 4988
Cabinet Ministers
Spousal travel expenses, 3599-3600, 3642-3
Corrections system
Intermittent sentences, 4147-8
CP Rail
Weston Shops, 4146-7
Deputy Premier
Comments, clarification of, 3562
Resignation request, 3521-2
Spousal travel expenses, 3471-2, 3472-4, 3519-20, 3521
Economic, Innovation and Technology Council
Special Operating Agency, 1494
Education and Training, Minister of
Removal request, 2180-2
Faneuil ISG Inc.
Coporate evaluation, 400
Financing, 403
Operating history, 400-1
Garment industry
Employment opportunities, 3177
Health Sciences Centre
Capital projects, 2146-7
Home Care Program
Labour dispute--resolution, 2126-7
Industry, Trade and Tourism, Department of
Departmental review, 1276, 1440
Reorganization, 737
Untendered contracts, 1494
Justice, Minister of
Resignation request, 4150
Labatt Brewery
Employee purchase plan, 404
Plant closure, 1975
Manitoba Telephone System
ManGlobe contract, 4534, 4665, 4699-4700, 4751-2
Privatization, 4533, 4964-5, 4989
Privatization--First Nations agreements, 4991
Privatization--government mandate, 4990
Privatization--independent commissioner, 4966
Privatization--information tabling request, 4987-8
Privatization--postponement, 4963, 4987
Privatization--public hearings, 4534, 4986
Privatization--referendum, 4964, 4990
Privatization--sale proceeds, distribution of, 4968
Privatization--withdrawal, 4990
Resolution debate, 4988
Natural Resources, Deputy Minister of
Provincial Auditor review, 4489
Nygard International
Training program--funding, 3177-8
Used Car Inspection program
Elimination, 1499
Write offs, resale of, 1499
Winnipeg Airport Authority
Area planning strategy, 1973
Pari-Mutuel Levy and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 39)
1 R, 2173
2 R, 3194
Private Members' Business
Border crossings, 907-8
Churchill, Port of, 912-4
Hydro rates, equalization of, 4092, 4094-7
International banking and trade, 3677-80
Privilege, Matters of
Presiding Officer, nonconfidence in, 3149
Throne Speech debate, 307-12
Tourism and Recreation Amendment Act (Bill 15)
1 R, 1558
2 R, 2634-5
Driedger, Hon. Albert (Steinbach) P.C.
Budget debate, 745-7
Condolence, motions of
Kovnats, Abe, 4837-9
Nordman, Ric, 4862-3
Fisheries Amendment Act (Bill 41)
1 R, 2173
2 R, 3192-3
R/S, 4886
Highway Traffic Amendment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Bill 20)
1 R, 1886
Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 88), 3640
Ministerial statements
National Forest Week, 1822-3
Natural Resources, Department of
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 77), 3513
Supplementary information, 928
Natural Resources, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 2414-21, 2492-2522, 2574-5
Minister's Salary, 2578-80
Opening Remarks, 2410-3
Oral questions
Crown lands
Purchase policy, 4995
Dauphin River
Ice blockage, 5229
Fishing industry
Boundary lines--Lake Winnipeg, 3417
Sisipuk Lake--illegal exports, 4336, 4383-4
Leipsic Communications
Natural Resources contract, 4194-5
Linnet Geomatics International Inc.
Contract cancellation, 2368
Loggers, independent
Permit allocation, 1277
Cutting areas, 2780
Federal-provincial review, 66-7
Information release, 67
Natural Resources, Department of
Staff biologist, dismissal of, 155-6
Natural Resources, Deputy Minister of
Expense account claims, 4431-2, 4489
Provincial Auditor review, 4489
Natural Resources, Minister of
Replacement request, 4799
Provincial parks
Entrance fees, 3178
Seasonal camping fees, 569-70, 1279
Railway industry
Bayline, 4336
St. Laurent fish processing plant
Funding, 4336
Wildlife investigation
Ministerial interference, 4798, 4994
Pineland Forest Nursery
Annual Report, 1996 (S.P. 87), 3640
Private Members' Business
Rail line abandonment, 1616-9
Privilege, Matters of
Fishing industry
Sisipuk Lake--illegal exports, 4422
Remembrance Day Amendment Act (Bill 50)
2 R, 4597-8
Drug Program Information Network
See Health Information Network
Drug Program Information Network (DPIN)
Records confidentiality
Chomiak, 3785-6
McCrae, 3785-6
Drug Use Management Centre
Chomiak, 1669-70
McCrae, 1669-70
Dumont, Hon. Yvon
Royal Assent
Agricultural Credit Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 24), 5106
Ambulance Services Amendment Act (Bill 37), 5106
Animal Care Act (Bill 70), 5107
Appropriation Act, 1996 (Bill 65), 3465
Barbers Repeal and Hairdressers Repeal Act (Bill 12), 5105
Boxing and Wrestling Commission Amendment Act (Bill 66), 5107
Charleswood Bridge Facilitation Act (Bill 16), 5105
Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Bill 35), 3465
Chiropodists Amendment Act (Bill 8), 5105
City of Winnipeg Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 44), 5106
Civil Service Superannuation Amendment Public Servants Insurance Amendment Act and Teachers' Pension Amendment Act (Bill 51), 5106
Commodity Futures and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 75), 5107
Construction Industry Wages Amendment Act (Bill 73), 5107
Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Bill 45), 5106
Contaminated Sites Remediation and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 34), 5106
Council on Post-Secondary Education Act (Bill 32), 5106
Court of Queen's Bench Amendment Act (Bill 74), 3465
Court of Queen's Bench Surrogate Practice Amendment Act (Bill 11), 5105
Credit Unions and Caisses Populaires Amendment Act (Bill 22), 5105
Dairy Act (Bill 30), 5106
Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Amendment Act (Bill 19), 5105
Education Administration Amendment Act (Bill 33), 5106
Farm Lands Ownership Amendment, Real Property Amendment and Registry Amendment Act (Bill 68), 5107
Financial Administration and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 55), 5107
Fisheries Amendment Act (Bill 41), 5106
Gaming Control and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 76), 5107
Government Essential Services Act (Bill 17), 5105
The Grand Lodge of Manitoba of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 302), 5107
GRIP and Related Programs Termination and Crop Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 23), 5105
Health Services Insurance Amendment Act (Bill 38), 5106
Highway Traffic Amendment (Lighting on Agricultural Equipment) Act (Bill 13), 5105
Highway Traffic Amendment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (Bill 20), 5105
Horticultural Society Repeal Act (Bill 5), 5105
Jobs Fund Repeal Act (Bill 62), 5107
Jury Amendment Act (Bill 25), 5106
Labour Relations Amendment Act (Bill 26), 5106
Law Society Amendment Act (Bill 60), 5107
Livestock Industry Diversification and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 31), 5106
Loan Act, 1996 (Bill 64), 3465
Manitoa Film and Sound Recording Development Corporation Act (Bill 71), 5107
Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 4), 5105
Manitoba Telephone System Reorganization and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 67), 53876
Manitoba Trading Corporation Amendment Act (Bill 14), 5105
Medical Amendment Act (Bill 7), 3465
Municipal and Various Acts Amendment Act (Bill 54), 5107
Museum of Man and Nature Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 27), 5106
Native Alcoholism Council of Manitoba Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 301), 5107
Natural Products Marketing Amendment Act (Bill 77), 5107
Nelson House First Nation Northern Flood Implementation Agreement Act (Bill 53), 5107
Northern Affairs Amendment Act (Bill 42), 5106
Oil and Gas Production Tax and Oil and Gas Amendment Act (Bill 21), 5105
Parental Responsibility Act (Bill 58), 5107
Pari-Mutuel Levy and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 39), 5106
Payment of Wages Amendment Act (Bill 18), 5105
Pension Benefits Amendment Act (Bill 40), 5106
Pharmaceutical Amendment Act (Bill 10), 5105
Powers of Attorney and Mental Health Amendment Act (Bill 59), 5107
Public Health Amendment Act (Bill 9), 5105
Public Schools Amendment Act (2) (Bill 72), 5107
Public Schools Amendment Act (Bill 47), 5106
Public Sector Compensation Disclosure Act (Bill 57), 5107
Real Estate Brokers Amendment Act (Bill 69), 3465
Regional Health Authorities and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 49), 5106
Remembrance Day Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 50), 5106
The Salvation Army Catherine Booth Bible College Incorporation Amendment Act (Bill 300), 5107
Securities Amendment Act (Bill 46), 5106
Social Allowances Amendment and Consequential Amendments Act (Bill 36), 5106
Statute Law Amendment (Taxation) Act, 1996 (Bill 63), 5107
Statute Law Amendment Act (Bill 61), 5107
Tourism and Recreation Amendment Act (Bill 15), 5105
University of Manitoba Amendment Act (Bill 48), 5106
Veterinary Science Scholarship Fund Amendment Act (Bill 6), 5105
Winnipeg Commodity Exchange Act (Bill 29), 5106
Winnipeg Stock Exchange Act (Bill 28), 5106
York Factory First Nation Northern Flood Implementation Agreement Act (Bill 52), 5107
Throne Speech, 1-6
Dutch Elm Disease Amendment Act (Bill 205)
1 R
Friesen, 2605
2 R
Ernst, 3726-9
Friesen, 3721-4
Lamoureux, 3724-6
Laurendeau, 3731-2
Pallister, 3729-31
Dyck, Peter (Pembina) P.C.
Agriculture, Standing Committee on
1st Report, 3963-4
Budget debate, 712-7
Economic Development, Standing Committee on
2nd Report, 3875
3rd Report, 4100-1
4th Report, 4189-90
5th Report, 4190
6th Report, 4374-5
7th Report, 4426-8
Education and Training, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 1238-40
Grievance, Matters of
Manitoba Telephone System
Privatization, 5043-4
Health, Department of (Supply)
Administration and Finance
Executive Support, 1191-3
Law Amendments, Standing Committee on
1st Report, 3215
Members' statements
Agri-Tec Canada Inc., 3926
Boundary Trail Heritage Region, 4702
Budget, 573-4
Canadian Foodgrains Bank, 3564
Carte International, 3481
Celebrate Education '96, 1500
Cultural activities--Pembina constitutency, 2844-5
Economic growth, 3226-7, 4063, 5056
Flag Day, 2154
Friesen, Dr. Henry, 4200
Garden Valley Collegiate, 2183
Home Care Program, 850
Literacy programs, 5295-6
Manitoba Chamber of Commerce annual meeting, 1500
Manitoba Works program, 1771-2
Morden Elementary School, 2183
Pembina Valley Learning Centre, 4247
Small Business Week, 4492
Teaching profession--legislation, protest of, 2737
Thiessen, Abe--Kinsmen Community Service Award, 3016-7
Trainex Centre, 4630
Victoria Day, 2308
Winkler Art Exhibit, 1832
Opposition Day Motions
Home Care Program
Privatization, 3914
Private Members' Business
Enhanced Crop Insurance Program, 4832-3
Health care system, privatization of, 5086-8
Hydro rates, equalization of, 4097-8
Racism education, 4051-2
Recycling for apartment dwellers, 1260-2
Rural physicians, 5173
Throne Speech debate, 26-31