Weekly Statistics for Emergency / Urgent Care and Personal Care Home Placement

The following statistics are compiled from daily and weekly reports submitted by the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) to Manitoba Health.

Emergency/Urgent Care Statistics by Site
September 9 - September 15, 2024
Yearly Comparison to current week
Total number of visits in current week1,4,5,6
Current week's stat of daily average waiting a hospital bed at 8am2,3,4,5,6
Current week's stat of daily average waiting in the hallways at 8am3,4,5,6
All Sites — 2024
5130 37 0
All Sites — 2023
4920 32 0
All Sites — 2022
Not Available Not Available Not Available
All Sites — 2021
5134 37 0
All Sites — 2020
5160 9 0
All Sites — 2019
5731 24 0
All Sites — 2018
5865 31 0
All Sites — 2017
5941 32 0
All Sites — 2016
5883 12 0
All Sites — 2015
5852 31 0
All Sites — 2014
5973 32 0
All Sites — 2013
5745 37 0
All Sites — 2012
5865 18 0
All Sites — 2011
5913 13 0
All Sites — 2010
5729 7 0
All Sites — 2009
6057 13 0
All Sites — 2008
5823 44 0
All Sites — 2007
5219 23 4
All Sites — 2006
5491 9 1
All Sites — 2005
5677 59 1
All Sites — 2004
4900 71 7
All Sites — 2003
4786 69 8
All Sites — 2002
5066 58 6
All Sites — 2001
4651 46 6
All Sites — 2000
4942 43 7
All Sites — 1999
4639 84 4

Total number of visits in current week1,4,5,6
Current week's stat of daily average waiting a hospital bed at 8am2,3,4,5,6
Current week's stat of daily average waiting in the hallways at 8am3,4,5,6
Health Sciences Centre
1092 19 0.0
St. Boniface
788 16 0.0
646 3 0.0
Pan Am Clinic
424 Not applicable Not applicable
Victoria Urgent Care4
806 Not applicable Not applicable
Concordia Urgent Care5
635 Not applicable Not applicable
Seven Oaks Urgent Care6
739 Not applicable Not applicable

1  Does not include the volume of visits for Children's Emergency at Health Sciences Centre.

2  The count of admitted patients awaiting a hospital bed (medical, surgical or psychiatric) includes all patients regardless of where they are waiting. A small number may be waiting in the hallway and, if so, will be included in that data as well. Prior to September 1, 2012 this count included admitted patients awaiting a medical bed only. Caution should be used when comparing patient counts from before and after this date.

3  The average for All Sites may differ from the sum of the individual hospital level data broken down above due to rounding.

4  Effective October 3, 2017 Victoria General Hospital changed from full emergency room service to urgent care service.

5  Effective June 3, 2019 Concordia Hospital changed from full emergency room service to urgent care service.

6  Effective July 22, 2019 Seven Oaks Hospital changed from full emergency room service to urgent care service.

* Effective October 3, 2017 urgent care services ceased at Misericordia Urgent Care.

Personal Care Home Clients
Current Week: September 11 - September 17, 2024
Yearly Comparison to current week (e.g., This week in 2023)
Residents Awaiting PCH Placement
— in Hospital 44 43 33 35 30
— in Community 192 219 266 338 347
Residents Placed in a PCH Bed
— From Hospital 19 9 27 29 22
— From Community 12 6 11 6 11


Updated on September 20, 2024

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