Annual Report of Immunization Surveillance
Public Health Information Management System (PHIMS)
Immunization records for reports from 2015 were extracted from the provincial immunization registry contained in the Public Health Information Management System, PHIMS.
Below are four downloadable excel file files presenting the immunization coverage rates (on December 31 of the reporting year) by antigen and the number of immunizations delivered by providers over the calendar year in Manitoba and five regions.
As new vaccines become available the numbers of doses required may change; therefore the coverage rates may not be comparable over time.
- Immunization coverage in children – the percentage of vaccinated children that received all recommended doses for an antigen at a specific age.
- Immunization coverage in children by continuous/non-continuous status - the percentage of vaccinated children that received all recommended doses for an antigen at a specific age for those who have been continuously registered with Manitoba Health since two months of age or younger (continuous) compared to those who were born in Manitoba, but moved out for a period of time and then returned or who moved to Manitoba at an age older than two months (non-continuous).
- Immunization coverage in adults and seniors – the percentage of vaccinated adults that received all recommended doses for an antigen at a specific age.
- Immunization providers – the number of doses administered by different types of providers between January 1 and December 31 in the reporting year.
Appendix: Immunization Schedules
2023 ** NEW **
- Immunization coverage in children
- Immunization coverage in children by continuous/non-continuous status
- Immunization coverage in adults and seniors
- Immunization providers
- Immunization coverage in children
- Immunization coverage in children by continuous/non-continuous status
- Immunization coverage in adults and seniors
- Immunization providers
- Immunization coverage in children
- Immunization coverage in children by continuous/non-continuous status
- Immunization coverage in adults and seniors
- Immunization providers
- Immunization coverage in children
- Immunization coverage in children by continuous/non-continuous status
- Immunization coverage in adults and seniors
- Immunization providers
- Immunization coverage in children
- Immunization coverage in children by continuous/non-continuous status
- Immunization coverage in adults and seniors
- Immunization providers
- Immunization coverage in children
- Immunization coverage in children by continuous/non-continuous status
- Immunization coverage in adults and seniors
- Immunization providers
- Immunization coverage in children
- Immunization coverage in children by continuous/non-continuous status
- Immunization coverage in adults and seniors
- Immunization providers
Manitoba Immunization Monitoring System (MIMS)
Immunization records for reports before 2015 were extracted from the Manitoba Immunization Monitoring System (MIMS), the first provincial immunization registry in Canada that became functional in 1988. MIMS was replaced by PHIMS in 2015. All immunization records in MIMS have been imported into PHIMS.
Note: All reports are in PDF format
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