Internship Interview Questions
Categories and Specific Subject Areas
The following categories and subject areas are representative of the type of questions that candidates MAY face in an interview situation.
Questions About the Candidate's Personal Skills, etc.:
- personal skills, knowledge and special interests of the candidate;
- ability to write and research thoroughly and effectively even though the assigned task may conflict with the candidate's own views or principles; and
- ability to respect confidentiality, to meet deadlines and to perform mundane or routine tasks.
Questions About the Canditate's Statement of Motivation
- in own words your impression of an Intern's duties throughout the year;
- benefits or gains the candidate expects from the program;
- candidates plans after completion of the Internship year;
- candidates expectations of the academic element of the program (excluding the research paper); and
- topic/subject area for the candidates research paper.
Questions About the Role and Character of the Civil Service:
- permanence and impartiality;
- implementers or formulators of policy;
- accountability - the process and to whom;
- anonymity and protection; and
- job security
Questions About the Parliamentary Process:
how do legislatures hold governments and government institutions accountable;
the role and objective of the government and opposition, and the means available to carry out their respective Parliamentary functions;
reasons for public discontent with politicians and ways to correct the discontent;
importance of the impartiality of the Speaker and how impartiality can be ensured;
how to expand the role of committees to make them a more effective element of the legislature; and
other questions on how the Manitoba Legislative Assembly operates.
Questions About the Major Problems or Issues Facing the Province:
- desirability of a balanced budget;
- Federal/Provincial Relations - transfer payments, health, justice;
- importance of environmental considerations in policy formulation;
- the potential impact of Aboriginal self government on the Province of Manitoba;
- economic development; and
- what is/are the most important issues currently facing the provincial government?
- questions or comments from the candidate.