Guide to Laws on Use of Tanning Equipment
On January 1, 2016, The Public Health Amendment Act (Prohibiting Children’s Use of Tanning Equipment and Other Amendments) and amendments to the Tanning Regulation made under The Public Health Act came into force.
The act and regulation help protect Manitobans from the health risks associated with the use of tanning equipment, including safeguarding young people by prohibiting their access to tanning equipment in commercial tanning operations.
A Guide To Laws and Regulations on Use of Tanning Equipment for Operators and Managers of Commercial Tanning Operations is available to help operators of commercial tanning businesses better understand the laws governing the use of tanning equipment in Manitoba.
The following are highlights of the amended act and regulation:
- Operators are prohibited from permitting a child or youth, under the age of 18 to use tanning equipment in a commercial tanning operation.
- The use of tanning equipment that is controlled by the user rather than the operator or staff of a commercial tanning operation (ex: swipe-card or coin-operated equipment) is prohibited.
- Operators must ensure that protective eyewear sold or used by clients meets specified standards, and clients must be shown how to properly use the eyewear.
- Updated warning signs (see below) must be posted at point of sale and in each tanning room.
- Advertising or marketing of the use of tanning equipment to children or youth under the age of 18 is prohibited.
- An exemption to the ban on the use of tanning equipment by a child or youth under the age of 18 applies when the child or youth has a prescription from a dermatologist for the use of the equipment.
- Operators who violate the law can be fined under the act.
![Warning Signs](images/warningsigns.gif)
Point of Sale Warning Sign
The warning sign must be posted in a prominent place on the tanning business premises, within the immediate view of anyone who enters the premises. This legal-size sign is 8.5 by 14 inches (216 by 356 millimetres). It must be kept clearly visible for all customers.
Warning Signs in Rooms
A warning sign must be posted in a prominent place in each room that has tanning equipment, within three feet (one metre) of the equipment. This letter-size sign is 8.5 by 11 inches (216 by 279 millimetres) and must be kept clearly visible for all customers when using the equipment.
If you need more signs, call 204-788-6735 in Winnipeg; toll free 1-800-392-1207; or download a printable sign below:
For more information about The Public Health Act and Tanning Regulation: Phone: 204-788-6735 in Winnipeg;
toll free 1-800-392-1207 |